In the first session we started out by understanding the field of design thinking as both a set of facilitation methods and a mindset geared to address wicked problems. To deepen our understnading we did an exercise in which you worked in pairs and designed a suprise for someone you did not know directly – your design partner gave you feedback and provided the necessary background information to design a good solution. In a rapid prototyping process you crafted a prototype, and several of you presented to the group.
Our guest speakers were from Germany and the United States. Christian Kohls (Cologne University of Applied Science, Dean of Computer Science) talked about how he uses design thinking with students in computer science and how he created rooms at his university to foster creativity. Danielle Lake (Director of Design Thinking Center, Elon University) talked about the nature of wicked problems and her work on fostering social justice through design thinking.
- Peer Activity ‘Design a surprise’ Design Thinking AUW Session 1 DT CYCLE
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Consider attending Design Forge at Elon in April – it’s free: